Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Erev Pesach, my mother sent me on errands to buy a table cloth and other items as well. As I was standing in front of the tablecloths, I saw a girl that looked really familiar. ( BTW- I got the last table cloth in the whole store-HP!) Picking up the tablecloth from the shelf, I turned and saw that the girl who looked familiar was still standing there with her friend.
I went over to her and started talking to her. It turned out that I had met her last year at a Shabbaton. Her name was Ashley and her friend was Sara. After talking for a few minutes we said goodbye and Ashley wished me a Happy Passover.
After getting what I needed, ( I realized after, that I really wasn't done) I went to stand in line. Standing in front of me was Ashley and Sara.
"So what are you guys doing for Passover?" I asked hoping they would be our guests for one of the Sedorim.
Suddenly Ashley turned to Sara and almost shouted,
"Sara, we can't buy this (they were holding a HUGE container of Pretzels) It's gonna be Passover tonight!"
They returned the pretzels to the shelf and walked out of the store!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


My family's favorite store is Costco -my brother has a mini Costco in his house.
My sister-in-law usually does her Costco shopping on Mondays.
This week my brother told my sister in-law she should go on Sunday. Shabbos Hagadol my sister-in-law and brother are having A LOT of guests. Listening to her husband (that's what a good wife does) she went on Sunday.
When she got to Costco she saw that this might not of been the best day to come- THE PLACE WAS PACKED!
She always enters by the exit, because they have their flyers with the coupons there. (a little backwards) As she was entering a worker came over to her.
"You looking for a flyer?" she asked
"YUP!" she answered.
"I'm sorry, but were all out of them." she said.
My sister-in-law smiled, muttered under her breath "its all hp", and went to go get a wagon. There were only four wagons left. As she started her shopping she saw in the wagon was a new flyer that had all the coupons still in it. Looking through the flyer she saw that the coupons expired THAT DAY!
After she finished her shopping she compared her filled wagon with the flyer. EVERYTHING THAT SHE BOUGHT WAS ON SALE!!!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Before my friend was leaving Israel she bought herself a ring that said "Gam Zu L"Tova". A few weeks after she came home she was at a friends house for Shabbos lunch. When she went to take her ring off to wash, she realized she was MISSING her ring! (She couldn't be upset- after all her ring DID say, 'THIS TOO IS FOR THE GOOD') She looked EVERYWHERE! After spending the whole meal looking for the ring she GAVE UP! Her hostess told her that she should just wait for the snow to melt, maybe it fell in the snow on her way in to the house.
She forgot about her ring until a few months later she was at the same friends house (this time though the snow melted). She remembered that she had lost her ring there a few months ago. She went outside to see if her ring was there. Within a few seconds of looking she saw on the driveway was HER RING! Picking up the ring she read the message that was engraved GAM ZU L'TOVA!