Erev Pesach, my mother sent me on errands to buy a table cloth and other items as well. As I was standing in front of the tablecloths, I saw a girl that looked really familiar. ( BTW- I got the last table cloth in the whole store-HP!) Picking up the tablecloth from the shelf, I turned and saw that the girl who looked familiar was still standing there with her friend.
I went over to her and started talking to her. It turned out that I had met her last year at a Shabbaton. Her name was Ashley and her friend was Sara. After talking for a few minutes we said goodbye and Ashley wished me a Happy Passover.
After getting what I needed, ( I realized after, that I really wasn't done) I went to stand in line. Standing in front of me was Ashley and Sara.
"So what are you guys doing for Passover?" I asked hoping they would be our guests for one of the Sedorim.
Suddenly Ashley turned to Sara and almost shouted,
"Sara, we can't buy this (they were holding a HUGE container of Pretzels) It's gonna be Passover tonight!"
They returned the pretzels to the shelf and walked out of the store!