Thursday, January 26, 2012


Tzipi Bloom, an 11th grader told me this great story:

Tzipi had an appointment to have her wisdom teeth pulled out on a Thursday.
Before going to bed Wednesday night, she made sure she had everything set for her oral surgery.
Early Thursday morning the Blooms gets a phone call from the doctors office. They had called to apologize, but Tzipi's appointment was canceled and rescheduled for the following week.
Tzipi was extremely disappointed. She had prepared herself for this day. She had spent the whole previous day, mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally preparing herself. And after ALL that- her appointment was canceled! (Her friends were sure surprised to see her in school!) She had psyched up the whhhhhole school for this wisdom teeth pulling procedure.

Later that night, Tzipi was so thankful her appointment was canceled.

To Tzipi's great surprise, her friends from camp had came in from out of town and surprised her. Tzipi was able to enjoy her friends the whole Shabbos and weekend. Had she had her teeth pulled she would have been out of it and not been able to have the great time she had!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Excused or Unexcused

Hi!!! It's Adina Seitler. I'm in 11th grade in YDTHS.

Here is story that happened to me and my classmates:

We were standing outside our classroom talking to a teacher whom we thought taught us that period. The teacher said that she was teaching a different class. We ran to our classroom, expecting another teacher there waiting for us, but there was no teacher there. We ran back to this teacher to tell her that she was supposed to be teaching us now. We weren't marked late. It's all HP!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


True Story:

Teacher: Hi girls, Sorry but the copy machine in the office was broken so I wasn't able to copy your quizzes today.

Students: Yay! HP, we didn't study.

Teacher: SO instead I'm gonna read it out loud and you'll write it down.

Students: (groan) Ohhhh!!!!

Student #1: Well it was almost HP!
(students nod in agreement) "Yeah it really was almost HP!"

Student #2: No, its still HP!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

HP- Always On Your Mind

I found this note on my desk from a ninth grader:

I "reserved" 2 different girls 2 midterms then we got the schedule so I switched and those 2 girls are studying together.......hard to explain but all HP!

I don't understand it AT ALL. But as long as its HP. (and that HP is on her mind)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pair of Socks

I love this story. I shared it with the Eighth graders the day I heard it.

Chani went to camp this past summer and made a friend, Dina. Months after camp, Chani randomly wanted to give this friend a call. Looking through her phone numbers Chani realized that she didn't have Dina's phone number. She was a little disappointed, but went on with her day.

That night, while absent-mindedly touching her socks, Chani looked down at the label on the sock, and saw that she wearing HER FRIENDS sock!! It had her name and phone number on it!!! What are the chances of that?! WOW!!! Such Hashgacha Pratis!! :)

Just One Second

It was 10:30 at night and I was in middle of studying for a big test I had the following day. As I was studying I suddenly remembered my family was out of bananas and we forgot to get for the morning. Bananas for breakfast in my family is a necessity. So I put my studying on the side and called my friend. I explained that my family ran out of Bananas and we NEEDED them for the morning. She heard how desperate I was and literally dropped everything! She knew how important it was to have these bananas.

When I got to her house I texted her to let her know I was in her driveway.

"Hold on Just one second. I just need to get one thing. I'll be right there" she said.

A few seconds later she got in the car and I started driving down the street. Suddenly a HUGE animal ran right in front of my car. Then four more followed it. I slammed on the brakes just in time. It was whole family of deer that were just several feet in front of my car. Baruch Hashem we weren't any closer!

(and Baruch Hashem we got the bananas-Phew!)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

AND THE WINNER IS.............

Last night, Motzoei Shabbos we had a basketball game in our school gym. It was a lot of fun! Music, dancing, (playing basketball) ....the girls had a lot of fun!

At half time we drew the winner of the Chanukah Contest!

A BIG congratulations to the lucky winners of this years Chanukah Contest.........Dalya Grossbard of Southfield, Michigan and Hannah Bennaroch of Montreal, Canada.

YDTHS - Stay tuned - winners from your school to be announced this week!