Friday, May 27, 2011

Wrong Number???

Tzippi Kessler was planning a small high school reunion for her classmates and the alumni that lived in her town.
The day of the reunion Tzippi was going over her To Do list when she realized she forgot to buy paper goods.
Tzippi wanted to run out to pick them up, but her baby was sleeping and her kids were expected home from school within the next half hour.
Really wanting to get everything set for the reunion, she picked up the phone to dial her across the street neighbor to see if she could babysit for her, while she ran out.

"Hi Leah?" Tzippi said.

"No, I'm sorry this is not Leah, this is Chaya, who is this?" the voice at the other end said.

"Oh I'm sorry, I must have gotten the wrong number" Tzippi said.

"Not a problem, it happens. Wait, you sound so familiar, is this by any chance Tzippi Weiss?"

"Yeah that's my maiden name, who is this?" Tzippi asked surprised.

"I knew I recognized your voice. Everyone remembers you and your stunning voice. This is Chaya Basser/Jacobs. I was a senior in high school when you were in tenth grade. I just moved to town a few days ago."

"Chaya, wow, its been so long, I would love to see you, we are actually having a high school reunion tonight at my house, for my class and any alumni that live in town, please come, you could see everyone, they will be so happy to see you!

"I would love to come stop by. Well this was Hashgacha Pratis! Thank you so much. I'm running out now to do some errands and grocery shopping, is there anything you want me to pick up for reunion? Chaya asked.

"That's so sweet of you Chaya, I'm so glad you asked, I actually do, I forgot to buy paper goods. Would you mind picking some up?"

"It would be my pleasure!"

After giving Chaya her address, Tzippi hung up smiling not believing what had just happened.
What Hashgacha Pratis!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Last Sunday was my neighbors birthday party - she is 8 years old. The party was from 1:00- 3:00. Since I work on Sundays and don't get home until after 2:oo, I told them that I would come at the end and help clean up. But they should save me a piece of Birthday Cake.

Sunday, when I got home from work I realized I forgot to buy her a birthday present. For an eight year old this is very important. I didn't have time to run out and buy anything, so I took a piece a paper and made a ticket that said "THIS TICKET ENTITLES YOU TO ONE OUTING TO ICE CREAM WITH ME"

(She was very excited!)

The next day she called all excited, asking if we could go out for ice cream. I was really busy and apologized that it wouldn't work out.

She called me the next day, the day after that, and the day after that. I was really busy every night and I wasn't available to go out with her.

Thursday night I needed to bake for Shabbos. When I came back from work I was really hot and I didn't want heat up the house with the oven, so I decided to bake late at night when it cooled down. Now I had an extra half hour before I had to run out so I called my neighbor and told her to put on her shoes....... we would go out for ice cream!!!!

When we got to the ice cream store, the cashier told us that TODAY there was a SALE!!! ONLY TODAY ICE CREAM COSTS..............$.99! YAY!

Valuable Math Lesson

Mrs. Jonas (the math teacher where I work) told me this HP story:

Every year Mrs. Jonas takes her math class to the supermarket for a class math trip. There they do a math related activity and after they have a party with Popsicles, soda, chips, and snacks. (she does not teach nutrition) While her students were doing the activity Mrs. Jonas bought the Popsicles and snacks.

As the cashier was ringing up her items, he told her the Popsicles were $3.99.
"Excuse me, but there was a sign that said they were on sale for $1.99." Mrs. Jonas said softly.
"Oh no they are not on sale, go check again." the cashier replied.
Mrs. Jonas went to check again, she returned and replied calmly that indeed there was a sale.
"I'm sorry Miss, but they are NOT on sale."
"Well then I don't want to buy them, I will go put them back."
When Mrs. Jonas went back to the freezer section the store manager happened to be right near the Popsicles.
"Sir, are these Popsicles on sale?" she asked the manager.
"Yes, they are on sale of $1.99" the manager answered.

The store manager went with Mrs. Jonas back up to the cashier. Admitting he was wrong, the cashier apologized to Mrs. Jonas for the trouble of going back and forth. He gave the Popsicles to her FOR FREE!

At this point her class was done the activity. (just in time to see Mrs. Jonas getting the Popsicle's for free).........Now that's a math lesson to remember.....when shopping, make sure the cashier drives you nuts, that's one way to save money!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Shattered Glass

This morning I put potatoes in the toaster oven for lunch. The potatoes were in the oven for about half an hour when there was a sudden explosion!

The toaster's glass door exploded and shattered everywhere - the kitchen, the living room, on top of the table, under the table, on the counter, on top of chairs . . . basically it shattered everywhere.

Now for the HP......

My father's seat in the kitchen is next to the toaster oven. Right before the explosion, he was by his seat working and gathering his papers. A few seconds after he left the kitchen to go to the next room, is when the glass shattered - right where he had been A FEW SECONDS earlier.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Teachers Meeting

Yesterday I had a really busy morning and I didn't have time to make a lunch. HP! When I got to work there was a teachers meeting.......and they served salad, fruit, cookies and cake, drinks and food.

Later that day there was a teacher that collapsed, she needed a drink but can only drink DIET. There is never DIET sodas in school. But, since there was meeting that day they had DIET soda, and were able to give it to the teacher!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Where, Who, and When

It was Erev Shabbos after Pesach and Liba's house was very empty. On Pesach, Liba's house was hopping with noise. With all her married siblings and nieces and nephews, there was constantly something happening. So now that all her siblings had left, Liba was feeling lonely that it was only her and her parents for Shabbos.
As she was setting the table for just three (and not twenty five) she remembered that it was Shabbos Mevorchim. Every Shabbos Mevorchim the Shul at the corner of her block had a special Kabbalas Shabbos with singing and dancing.
Feeling rather down, she told her mother she wanted to go. Mrs. Friedman told her daughter that it was a great idea and she should definitely go. (Liba NEVER goes to Shul on Friday nights)
When Liba got to Shul she davened Kabbalas Shabbos and enjoyed the singing and dancing. In middle of davening, Liba suddenly realized that before Shabbos her friend had mentioned to her that a Pirkei Avos Shiur for high school girls was starting that week. Her friend didn't know where it was, what time it was at, and who was speaking, but she told Liba to call a girl by the name of Nechama Stien, who was in charge of the Shiur.
Liba had completely forgotten to call Nechama Stien, so she had no information of when or where the Shiur was.
After davening finished Liba started walking home. Instead of walking down her own block, Liba decided to walk down the block that was one block over from her house. Within a few minutes of walking home she suddenly saw Nechama Stein walking with her family. Liba couldn't believe it, she bounced over to Nechama Stien.
"This is HP!"
Nechama gave Liba all the information that she needed.
The next day Liba was at her neighbors house when she looked at her watch and saw that it was time to go to the Shiur. Leaving her neighbors house she saw her friend right across the street.
"I just went to your house and no one answered. I didn't know what to do, because I don't where the Shiur is and I was hoping you would know" (Liba's friend lives in a different neighborhood and had walked over an hour to come to the Shiur)
"I was just thinking of what to do, when you suddenly walked out of your neighbors house." her friend said.