Tuesday, January 25, 2011


It's midterm season in most high schools now. (When I was in high school I happened to love final time. -You study for an hour or two and then you have the rest of the day off. It's almost like an extended vacation.) I don't understand why all these high school girls are getting so stressed. Yesterday I was proctoring some girls who were taking their Chumash test. One antsy girl suddenly jumped up, out of her desk,
"I have a HP story for you!" she shrieked.
"Yesterday, on Sunday I needed to get my Chumash notes from school. My father drove me all the way to school. But when we got there, the door was locked. My father's key to the school building didn't work and I tried every possible door. I even tried some windows. My father said there was nothing we could do, and we started leaving. I was praying that someone would appear. No one did. We left the school parking lot. Turning my head one last time, I suddenly saw our janitor Fred by one of the school doors. My father quickly drove back into the parking lot and drove to the front door, I jumped out and banged on the door, yelling Fred's name. I nearly gave Fred a heart attack but he opened the door for me. Fred had all the keys and he was able to open the door to the high school and my classroom door. Thanks to Fred I was able to study for my final and take the test today!"

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A month ago I chaperoned a group of girls to a convention in Canada. Today out of the blue I got a call from one of the other chaperons. She said,
"Guess what just fell out of my car?"
"I have no idea."
"What!?! I didn't even know I was missing it."

(I was also actually thinking about going out of the country soon!)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Cry of the Baby

My mother was doing her Shabbos shopping today when she met her friend Mrs. Segal. Mrs. Segal just came back from visiting her daughter, who just had a baby girl. After wishing Mrs. Segal Mazal Tov, Mrs. Segal told my mother an unbelievable story that had just happened when she was visiting her daughter.
Her children live in a basement apartment. One day the new-born baby was peacefully sleeping in her stroller. Suddenly she started to cry. Mrs. Segal's son-in-law went to check on the baby and rock her. He pushed the baby around and moved her to the other side of the room to where he was working. Soon after he rocked her, the pipe that was over where the stroller had been, burst open. Steaming hot water was pouring out. Had the baby not cried and her father rock her, she could have been severely burnt.

Monday, January 10, 2011


I had to stay late one day after work to proctor tests and supervise girls who had to serve detention. The girls who had detention had to do some sort of school service. Sometimes its cleaning out a room in the school building,helping the preschool teacher cut out projects, decorating the school hallway, (cleaning the bathrooms......just kidding) Today some of the girls cleaned out the lunchroom and some staked extra chairs that were in the auditorium. They came to me twenty minutes later, asking for another job. There was still an hour left and there was not much else for the girls to do. (the bathroom I'm sure needed a good cleaning.....but I wasn't going to make them do that ...even for skipping class:) ) They didn't like my idea of shining my shoes,- they just laughed.
All of a sudden I had a brilliant idea.
"K girls, your next assignment is you have to each write a Hashgacha Pratis story that happened to you!
Each girl wrote at least two HP stories for me! (this was worth it :) )
(After they wrote the stories there was still a half hour left. This time I really had no idea what they should do, so they taught me a new game that was lots of fun. HP- I'm gonna play it the next time I have to entertain a class) HP- Two girls had to stay an extra hour and they missed their ride home. I drove to school today and had a car so I was able to give them a ride home!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Every Thursday night my friends and I learn Parsha in a coffee shop. It's really nice and I look forward to it each week. Tonight I was running late because I had to stop off at a store to pick something up. (see story below) I pulled into the parking lot and parked in the closest parking spot I found. I shut the car off and tried to pull out the key. The key would not budge, it was stuck in the ignition. This had never happened to me. I didn't want to keep my friends waiting. I was yanking and pulling the key. I almost broke the car when I saw I was parked in a handicapped parking spot. I turned the car back on, backed out, and found a different parking spot. This time when I parked the car my key came out right away! :)

A Bag of Chips

I was in the store tonight picking up something when I saw on the shelf my favorite rice chips. I had been looking for these chips for a long time and was so excited that I had finally found them. I grabbed two packages and went to stand in line. As I was waiting, I saw my neighbor from around the block walking to the front of the store. I don't have much to do with her, but something possessed me to tell her I found my favorite chips. ( I was REALLY excited about these chips)

"Hi Shira, look what I found! My favorite chips that I have been looking for ages."
As I was showing her the bag of chips, she pointed out that the chips were OUD.

Good thing she pointed it out and I didn't buy them, because I keep Cholov Yisroel.

(They used to be OU, it's been a while since I had them)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Vocab Test

Mindy, a studious 11th grader told me this story today. She always makes sure to come prepared to class. She studies at least two days before a quiz, and for sure a week before a test. ( Finals, she probably starts the beginning of the year.) Basically today it was right before English class, when she realized she completely forgot to study for her vocabulary test. She was so disappointed with herself and could not believe that she forgot to study, it was so unlike her. As she was thinking of what to do, the English teacher walked into the room.
"Sorry girls", the English teacher said "We will not be having the vocabulary test today. I just realized that I forgot my folder with the test in it at home!"