Friday, February 24, 2012

Hashem Repays

Five months ago on Rosh HaShanah we had guests from New York stay at our house. A few days after they had left, I found on the desk in my room a fifty dollar bill. The bill was stuck in between some papers and I wasn't sure if it was mine or our guests.

In my mind I was thinking of every possible way that it could be mine, and it all made sense. On the other hand, it could very well be theirs. I really could use an extra fifty dollar bill. But let's say it's really theirs?
I was going back and forth on what to do.

Life got busy and I forgot about it. The months passed and I still had not returned it.
Two weeks ago I was in New York on my winter vacation and I decided I would do the right thing and return the fifty dollars - I made a visit to our guests and finally returned it.

This past week a teacher in the school asked me to do a favor for her, and I was more then happy to help her out. Today she approached me to thank me for the favor and handed me an envelope. Inside guessed it! was a fifty dollar bill!

Hashem Repays! Choose to do what's right and Hashem will reward you!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Spray Botttle

It's production time in school. Choir, drama, (eating) dance, scenery, props, (more eating) costumes,'s what everyone is busy with.
On Tuesday, Chava Goldbaum was told by the props committee to bring in a spray bottle for her prop.
That night Chava found in her house a spray bottle that was almost empty. She got permission from her mother and brought the spray bottle the following day.
Wednesday, sitting in class, Shiri, a classmate of Chava's accidentally knocked her desk and her White-Out spilled all over the carpeted floor. Wanting to help clean the mess Chava looked at her spray bottle she brought in. Smiling she walked over to spray the spot. The bottle that she 'happened' to bring in was a carpet cleaner spray. She cleaned it up until there was no trace of White- Out left.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Yesterday was our first day back from vacation. The whole city emptied out this past week. Either to Florida or New York. The two most popular places.
Now vacations over and its back to work!
When I got to school I was bombarded by a bunch of energetic high school girls.

"Devorah, I have SOOOOOO many HP stories for you....."
"SOOOOO, I have an AMAZING HP story."
"You'll NEVER believe what happened to me. It was SOOOOOO HP!"
"My whole vacation was JUST SOOOOO HP!"
I MUST tell you this SOOOOO CRAZY HP story!
(Its a good thing I stocked up on SOOOOO many more laffy taffies.)

They were all shouting at once....
"So my phone started ringing.....the airline didn't know.... that the grocery store was closed so the train flipped over.....suddenly sirens started blaring...... I thought I lost my bag...HP, You should have seen her face.... I thought I was going to faint..... then the tree fell right on top of the car...... I ran straight in to a glass door......"

"Whoa Everyone one at time!"

SOOO here's story #1:
A twelfth grader told me this story that happened to her and her friend while shopping. (what else do high school girls do on vacation)

Ruti a twelfth grader was shopping with her friend Brachi. Loaded down with skirts, dresses, tops, and sweaters, they headed to the dressing room. After trying everything on and buying nothing, they left.
"Lets just leave it there on the chair. We don't have to clean it up." Ruti told Brachi.
Walking out of the dressing room Brachi turned to Ruti and said.
"You know Ruti, it will only take a few minutes. Lets make a Kiddush Hashem and clean up."
Ruti agreed and they turned back into the room to clean up.
Picking up the last dress from the chair they saw non other then Brachi's cell phone!