Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Story Of My Lost Tehillim

I lost my Tehillim. It's the one I had for several years. The one that was small, torn, pages creased, and very old looking. Which is why I loved it. I lost it in Meron.  The girl I was standing next to, (who's elbow was in my face). I didn't care though, because I was stepping on her toes. (Or maybe it was the lady's behind me.) She asked if I had a Tehillim she could borrow. My bag was smushed between two ladies and it took me a few minutes to get my bag unstuck. As soon as I lent her my Tehillm, I had this feeling I would never see it again. (I was right) I was pushed by a wave of people and lost sight of the girl with my Tehillim.
The following day I was by the Kosel, fishing through my bag for my Tehillim. After three minutes of digging in my Savta Simcha bag, I rememberd my Meron story. I got up and looked around for a Tehillim. The moment I turned I saw a friend of mine I had not seen in months. I had been meaning and wanting to get in touch with her since I got to Israel. Had I not gone looking for a Tehillim I would not have been able to reconnect with her. She was in the back about to leave. I had just got to the Kosel and was not planning on leaving yet.

(I really miss my Tehillim! Although this is but a small still is a reminder.....Hashem is running the world!)