Sunday, October 30, 2011

Missing Notes

During their lunch break, Chana and her friend Shani were talking. They were discussing a certain subject when Shani told Chana that she liked Chana's notes - they were organized , clear, highlighted, readable, and clean.

The next day in school Shani didn't show up- she had the flu. Chana being the thoughtful person she is thought it would be nice to carbon-copy her notes, since Shani had mentioned that she liked them.
A week later Chana was in class when she realized her notes were missing! Now Chana is OCD about having HER notes. She couldn't find them anywhere, and no one had borrowed them. Chana suddenly realized that her friend Shani had a carbon copy of HER notes. Chana carbon copied them over and now she had her HER notes again!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Heaven Sent Toothbrush

After brushing my teeth last night, my toothbrush fell in the garbage. I asked my mother if she had an extra toothbrush for me. To my disappointment, my mother didn't have one. She told me I should take it out of the garbage and wash it off. I didn't want to do that, and I just left it in the garbage.
This morning I was in the high school office when a twelfth grader came to the office desk to sign in.
"Hi Rivki, how are you?" I said. "Where are you coming from?"
"I had a dentist appointment this morning."
"Those are always fun, who's your dentist?" I asked.
"Dr. Huger. He's really nice. Today after my checkup I asked him for a toothbrush, and look how many he gave me."
Rivki pulled out a bag full of toothbrushes.
"Here do you want one?" she asked, handing me one.
Smiling I said, "You bet I want one. Not only do I want one, I actually need one. Thank you so much Rivki."

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hidden Plans

On one of the main streets there is a construction site, where they are building a huge building.

"Mommy, did they start building yet?"

"Yes sweetie, they actually started a month ago."

"Well then why don't I see anything yet? It still looks like a pile of dirt."
"There is a lot going on. They are digging and building underneath. We just don't see it. There is a lot going on."

"Without building underneath, the second part can't happen. Have patience and you will soon see the building come up."

"You know what honey, it's like life. We don't always see what HaShem plans. Sometimes we have struggles, and it seems like a pile of dirt. Or we don't see anything at all, and it seems like nothing is happening. HaShem is always taking care of us. It's all for our good and for the best. In the end we have a beautiful outcome."

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Its All in the Eye

If you follow this Blog then you have read the story about Tali's eye.

Well Tali's story is not over.
Tali's HP continues.

You see today Tali's father was building the Sukkah when he suddenly felt something fly in his eye. Thinking it was nothing, he blinked a few times and continued working.
Later in the day when his wife came home, his eye was still hurting. Tali's mother saw that his eye was all red and inflamed.
That same day Tali's parents were buying a new car, and had gone to the car dealership after the Sukkah was finish being built. They were at the dealership and Tali's mother noticed that her husband's eye was still bothering him.
She suddenly remembered that one of the many eye doctors that helped Tali had his office on the same block as the car dealership. She called the office right away. (Knowing the amount of times Tali went to that eye doctor Tali's mother probably had that number set to speed dial)
They called the office, but the next available appointment was the following day at 8:30 in the morning.
The eye doctor is a Yid and happened to have gone to Tali's father's Shabbos Shiur a few times. When Tali was having pain in her eye a few months ago, he had given his cell phone number to Tali's mother.
So they tried calling his cell phone.
A few minutes after leaving a message, the eye doctor called back.
The eye doctor told Tali's parents to come to his office right away.
He saw that Tali's father had two wood chips stuck in his eye, right near his cornea. On the spot the eye doctor had it surgically removed!
Mi K'amcha Yisroel!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Because of their Yom Iyun the high school girls were dismissed at 4:00 instead of 5:00. I was still in the high school building when a Twelfth grader called me.

"Hi, are you still in school, I forgot my Historia notes. Do you mind checking my classroom for them and bringing them home?"

"Yeah, sure no problem!"

When I went to look for them in her classroom, I couldn't find them anywhere. But, it sure was HP I went to her classroom. The Smartboard in their classroom was left on.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Unexpected Knock

Friday night, the third night of Rosh Hashana , The Rubin family didn't seem to be in a rush to make kiddush. Usually after Rabbi Rubin and his sons come home from Shul they make kiddush within ten minutes. However since no one in the family was hungry the family was taking their time. The older girls were in the kitchen doing more talking then getting ready. The younger kids were in the living room reading Mishpacha Junior and playing.
Rabbi Rubin and his wife were in the dining room about to call everyone to the table, when they suddenly heard a knock at the front door. Mrs. Rubin went to answer the door and saw an unexpected guest who needed a meal.
"Come in, come in! Perfect timing, come, were just about to start!"
As Gila Rubin walked in to the dining room she whispered to her mother,
"HP, we didn't start when we usually do, otherwise we would be by dessert!"