Sunday, April 21, 2013


A young mother taken away, leaving seven young children, orphaned. An illness that plagued her for the last several months has ripped her away from her young family and small children. Now they remain alone.

And if that’s not enough:

A father of a proud family, taken too soon to see his all children wed. Some young, some grown, yet they are all his children, now fatherless.  Taken away before he was able to see his first grandchild. 

Is this not enough? Can there be more pain then this? It hurts. We‘ve had enough pain. It’s time to stop! ENOUGH!

But no, G-d has other plans.

Yes, He says. There will be more pain. There will be more for you to suffer.

A mere few days passed since their passing, when G-d decides to strike once again.

Again- the dreaded news, the dreadful illness, this time to two fathers. Fathers of loving families, friends and prominent members in our community.  The news spread, prayers are being said. They have been diagnosed with cancer. Now these fathers focus and life has been instantly switched from being surrounded by their young children and homes are now focused on hospitals, tests, pain, and G-d forbid the fear of death.

 Hashem. Does this make sense to you?  Do you see their pain? You are ripping apart families. It doesn’t fit, it doesn’t make sense. I don’t understand.

I wish to understand your ways Hashem, and believe its all part of your complex master plan- But I will not ask why. For if I do know the answer to “Why?” that is not called faith.

Hashem, it’s with this fierce pain in my heart, I accept and know that You are a loving and caring father. And that I would like to call FAITH.

Please Daven for: Chaim Dovid Reuven Ben Chana Rochel and Eliezer Avraham Tzvi Ben Pessa

Sunday, April 7, 2013

IT'S ALL FROM HASHEM (even the traffic)

Here is a familiar scenario most of us,  all of us have gone through. It's just a reminder that every and any situation we are in, is all from Hashem. On my way to work today, I was stuck in traffic. Never mind, it wasn't traffic. The highway turned in to one huge parking lot for an hour. No one was moving, and I was clearly going to be late for work. I started to get really nervous. I felt the blood in me rising. Why can't these cars just move?......Why is that bus just sitting there?......Oh Hashem I'm going to be really late......These annoying drivers......Why can't they just move already. I kept looking at my watch every half a minute.....They are not going to be happy when I walk in late to work......Oh I wish this car could just fly.....UCCCHHHH........MOVE ALREADY.....WHY ARE MY STUCK IN TRAFFIC!? I looked out the window at the cars and buses who were bumper to bumper and not moving an inch. I smiled and thought to myself: This is not all the drivers problems. This is all from Hashem. There is nothing I can do. It's all HP! Hashem put all these cars here and caused this traffic. Hashem wants me to be stuck in traffic right now. ( I have no idea why and I wish I did) I felt myself relax. IT'S ALL HP! Everything, EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING is from Hashem! Hashem has a plan. Breathe out, smile, sit back, relax! Hashem is taking care of you!

Blood Donating

Tuesday Afternoon 3:37: Penina bumps in to her friend Etti at the Kotel. While talking and catching up Penina mentions to Etti that she wants to donate blood while she's in Israel.
Wednesday Night 7:30: Staying by her brother on her Pesach vacation,Penina, feeling she ate too much Matzah over Pesach decides to go walking.

Instead of turning right out of her brothers house like she usually does, Penina decided to take a tour of the neighborhood and turned left.
Penina was only just two buildings away from her brother when she saw a Magen David Edom blood drive truck. On a lamp pole she saw a sign that they were having a blood drive for the next hour in the Shul that was located on the same street as her brothers. Penina walked in , filled in a few forms, and donated blood!