If you follow this Blog then you have read the story about Tali's eye.
Well Tali's story is not over.
Tali's HP continues.
You see today Tali's father was building the Sukkah when he suddenly felt something fly in his eye. Thinking it was nothing, he blinked a few times and continued working.
Later in the day when his wife came home, his eye was still hurting. Tali's mother saw that his eye was all red and inflamed.
That same day Tali's parents were buying a new car, and had gone to the car dealership after the Sukkah was finish being built. They were at the dealership and Tali's mother noticed that her husband's eye was still bothering him.
She suddenly remembered that one of the many eye doctors that helped Tali had his office on the same block as the car dealership. She called the office right away. (Knowing the amount of times Tali went to that eye doctor Tali's mother probably had that number set to speed dial)
They called the office, but the next available appointment was the following day at 8:30 in the morning.
The eye doctor is a Yid and happened to have gone to Tali's father's Shabbos Shiur a few times. When Tali was having pain in her eye a few months ago, he had given his cell phone number to Tali's mother.
So they tried calling his cell phone.
A few minutes after leaving a message, the eye doctor called back.
The eye doctor told Tali's parents to come to his office right away.
He saw that Tali's father had two wood chips stuck in his eye, right near his cornea. On the spot the eye doctor had it surgically removed!
Mi K'amcha Yisroel!