Tzipi Bloom, an 11th grader told me this great story:
Tzipi had an appointment to have her wisdom teeth pulled out on a Thursday.
Before going to bed Wednesday night, she made sure she had everything set for her oral surgery.
Early Thursday morning the Blooms gets a phone call from the doctors office. They had called to apologize, but Tzipi's appointment was canceled and rescheduled for the following week.
Tzipi was extremely disappointed. She had prepared herself for this day. She had spent the whole previous day, mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally preparing herself. And after ALL that- her appointment was canceled! (Her friends were sure surprised to see her in school!) She had psyched up the whhhhhole school for this wisdom teeth pulling procedure.
Later that night, Tzipi was so thankful her appointment was canceled.
To Tzipi's great surprise, her friends from camp had came in from out of town and surprised her. Tzipi was able to enjoy her friends the whole Shabbos and weekend. Had she had her teeth pulled she would have been out of it and not been able to have the great time she had!