Five months ago on Rosh HaShanah we had guests from New York stay at our house. A few days after they had left, I found on the desk in my room a fifty dollar bill. The bill was stuck in between some papers and I wasn't sure if it was mine or our guests.
In my mind I was thinking of every possible way that it could be mine, and it all made sense. On the other hand, it could very well be theirs. I really could use an extra fifty dollar bill. But let's say it's really theirs?
I was going back and forth on what to do.
Life got busy and I forgot about it. The months passed and I still had not returned it.
Two weeks ago I was in New York on my winter vacation and I decided I would do the right thing and return the fifty dollars - I made a visit to our guests and finally returned it.
This past week a teacher in the school asked me to do a favor for her, and I was more then happy to help her out. Today she approached me to thank me for the favor and handed me an envelope. Inside guessed it! was a fifty dollar bill!
Hashem Repays! Choose to do what's right and Hashem will reward you!