The Shabbos before Rosh Hashanah my mother had her eleventh grade Chumash class over for Shalosh Seudos. Besides for the great food, great speaker, and great entertainment we also heard a great HP story from one of the girls.
The way I'm writing it is not half as great as hearing it from Temima herself. She's one great story teller- funny, inspiring ,and entertaining. We were all captivated. Here's her story:
Temima was in camp this summer and was on her off day. She had until Thursday night at 9:00 to be back on camp grounds. Before Temima left for Monsey she had made all the necessary arrangements for a ride back with Mrs. Katz, one of the married staff members who was also in Monsey for the day.
Thursday afternoon she got a call from Mrs. Katz.
"Hi Temima, I'm sorry to be doing this to you, but I am packing the car and I see that I'm not going to have room to take you back to camp. I really am sorry."
"Uh, sure no problem, do you have any ideas how I can get back?" Temima asked.
"Yeah there's Excellent Bus Service"
"An Excellent bus service, what bus service is it?"
"Excellent Bus service"
"I'm sure it is excellent, can you give me more information besides for that it's Excellent?"
OK, thank you Mrs. Katz, I'm going to find out what bus service it is, and more information. Thanks, have a great day and have a safe trip back" Temima said.
Temima hung up the phone and googled "bus services in the Catskills." The first website that she came across was
Temima burst out laughing. It really is an excellent bus service after all.
Temima took the 7:00 bus, hoping to get to Motty's Super Market in White Lake around 8:30.
She called camp and made sure someone would be able pick her up from White Lake.
On the bus Temima couldn't help feeling a little out numbered. Besides for one lady sitting all the way in the back, she was the only girl.
"Oh right, it's Thursday night all the husbands are on their way up to the country for Shabbos." she thought to herself smiling.
It took Temima a whole twenty minutes trying to figure out where she could sit on a bus full of men. After finally finding a seat she was gently informed she had to move. She had to find another seat. That took another twenty minutes. Then they had to switch buses in middle. Finally finally they got on to another bus and this time she got a seat within the first five minutes.
At 8:50 the bus pulled up in front of Motty's.
It started raining as soon as Temima got off the bus. She was carrying a huge suitcase of laundry, a few bags, a hot cake she made for a friend, and a case of water bottles. While juggling all her things and trying to get in touch with camp, she noticed that everyone that got off the bus was gone besides for the lady who was sitting in back of the bus.
"Hi there, you seem to be getting wet, and a little lost. Come, do you want to stand with me over here?" the lady offered.
"Thank you," Temima said. "Wait you look so familiar, are you Mrs. Carson? You've been to my camp for a few Shabbosim"
"Yeah, I am Mrs. Carson, and I'm actually on my way up there right now, I'm just waiting for my husband to pick me up. Would you like a ride?"
Temima took the ride and got back way after nine, but at that point the camp didn't care what time it was. They were just glad Temima was back safely!