The Yaffin family just got some news today that their 12 year old son Gershon has been diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. Mrs. Yaffin really didn't see any symptoms except for that in the past few months he has lost about 14 lbs!! Being that all the Yaffins are really skinny and that he is very active they didn't think too much of it. Over Sukkos Gershon had burned his tongue and it was really bothering him so today Mrs. Yaffin took him to the doctor. While they were at the doctor they decided to just do some routine check up. They took some blood from Gershon and they found that his sugar levels were abnormally high and way off the charts. They told Mrs. Yaffin she had to get him to the hospital immediately! They rushed to the hospital, straight from the doctors office. After some of the tests came back they were informed that he has juvenile diabetes. The doctor at the hospital told them that even if they had waited a few days later his situation could have been seriously life threatening! Baruch Hashem Gershon is doing OK and is being taught how to manage his diabetes. With medicine and today's research he can really live quite normally as long as he keeps it in check. Baruch Hashem for that burnt tongue!!
Everything Hashem does is for the best! If the swaying of a blade of grass is brought about by Hashgacha Pratis and is crucial to the fulfillment of the purpose of Creation, how much more so with regard to mankind in general, and B'nei Yisroel(the people close to him) in particular! (Hayom Yom)
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Burnt Tongue
The Yaffin family just got some news today that their 12 year old son Gershon has been diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. Mrs. Yaffin really didn't see any symptoms except for that in the past few months he has lost about 14 lbs!! Being that all the Yaffins are really skinny and that he is very active they didn't think too much of it. Over Sukkos Gershon had burned his tongue and it was really bothering him so today Mrs. Yaffin took him to the doctor. While they were at the doctor they decided to just do some routine check up. They took some blood from Gershon and they found that his sugar levels were abnormally high and way off the charts. They told Mrs. Yaffin she had to get him to the hospital immediately! They rushed to the hospital, straight from the doctors office. After some of the tests came back they were informed that he has juvenile diabetes. The doctor at the hospital told them that even if they had waited a few days later his situation could have been seriously life threatening! Baruch Hashem Gershon is doing OK and is being taught how to manage his diabetes. With medicine and today's research he can really live quite normally as long as he keeps it in check. Baruch Hashem for that burnt tongue!!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Through Divine Providence G-d Taught Me a Powerful Lesson.
My friend and I were shopping in a mall that I rarely shop in. It's far and I'm not usually successful there.
While shopping in one particular store I saw someone who looked very familiar.
"Where have I seen her before, why does her face look so familiar? She clearly wasn't religious. She was wearing a tank-top and shorts. Her American long blond hair was clipped up and was very attractive. "Where would I know her from?" I kept asking myself.
My friend and I continued shopping, hopping from one store to the next. It was getting late and my friend and I were in our last store. While in the dressing room I heard my friend say to someone. "No, I'm sorry."
I wonder who's she's talking to. I exited the dressing room with my clothes piled in my hands.
"Was there a cell-phone in there? Someone just came looking for hers, apparently she lost it in this store" my friend said. "No, there was none in there, but maybe we can help her, did she leave already?" "She just left a second ago, she's probably still in the store."
We quickly left the dressing room and made our way through the store."There she is." my friend said pointing towards the girl. I froze. It was the girl who looked so familiar, the one I saw in the other store. We approached her and asked her if we could help her. She was very appreciative and thanked us.
We tried calling her cell phone a few times hoping to hear it ring. She was very sweet and made us feel so good that we helped her even though we didn't find her cell phone. The whole time I was trying to place her face with some memory of how I knew her. After talking a little bit she thanked us again and we said goodbye.
On the way home from the mall it was really bothering me.
"I'm telling you I've seen her before." I told my friend "Where do I know her?"
Later that night it was still bothering me when it suddenly hit me. She was one of the nurses in the hospital on the floor I did my clinicals on. I quickly called my friend and told her. She was so relieved. Now I knew why she looked so familiar.
When I saw her during my clinicals I remember thinking to myself that she was clearly not a nice person. I had her all summed up. She was arrogant, aloof, a snob, selfish and not caring. I don't think I saw her smile once in the weeks I was there.
I even wondered why she was a nurse.
This was all an assumption I made without saying one word to her in the hospital. It's just what I perceived of her. AND BOY WAS I WRONG.
Not until I met her in the mall and actually spoke to her did I get a completely different picture. She may be quiet. (She may not be a morning person. My clinicals were at Four AM) She may give off a different IMPRESSION.
G-d taught me a lesson that day. We are so quick to sum people up, and we are so sure of it to the point that we'll even take action on our assumptions or vice-versa.
My friend and I were shopping in a mall that I rarely shop in. It's far and I'm not usually successful there.
While shopping in one particular store I saw someone who looked very familiar.
"Where have I seen her before, why does her face look so familiar? She clearly wasn't religious. She was wearing a tank-top and shorts. Her American long blond hair was clipped up and was very attractive. "Where would I know her from?" I kept asking myself.
My friend and I continued shopping, hopping from one store to the next. It was getting late and my friend and I were in our last store. While in the dressing room I heard my friend say to someone. "No, I'm sorry."
I wonder who's she's talking to. I exited the dressing room with my clothes piled in my hands.
"Was there a cell-phone in there? Someone just came looking for hers, apparently she lost it in this store" my friend said. "No, there was none in there, but maybe we can help her, did she leave already?" "She just left a second ago, she's probably still in the store."
We quickly left the dressing room and made our way through the store."There she is." my friend said pointing towards the girl. I froze. It was the girl who looked so familiar, the one I saw in the other store. We approached her and asked her if we could help her. She was very appreciative and thanked us.
We tried calling her cell phone a few times hoping to hear it ring. She was very sweet and made us feel so good that we helped her even though we didn't find her cell phone. The whole time I was trying to place her face with some memory of how I knew her. After talking a little bit she thanked us again and we said goodbye.
On the way home from the mall it was really bothering me.
"I'm telling you I've seen her before." I told my friend "Where do I know her?"
Later that night it was still bothering me when it suddenly hit me. She was one of the nurses in the hospital on the floor I did my clinicals on. I quickly called my friend and told her. She was so relieved. Now I knew why she looked so familiar.
When I saw her during my clinicals I remember thinking to myself that she was clearly not a nice person. I had her all summed up. She was arrogant, aloof, a snob, selfish and not caring. I don't think I saw her smile once in the weeks I was there.
I even wondered why she was a nurse.
This was all an assumption I made without saying one word to her in the hospital. It's just what I perceived of her. AND BOY WAS I WRONG.
Not until I met her in the mall and actually spoke to her did I get a completely different picture. She may be quiet. (She may not be a morning person. My clinicals were at Four AM) She may give off a different IMPRESSION.
G-d taught me a lesson that day. We are so quick to sum people up, and we are so sure of it to the point that we'll even take action on our assumptions or vice-versa.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
"I'm going to buy eight of them," my uncle said.
"Sure,they are four dollars a bundle," the boy said counting out each bundle carefully.
My uncle handed the boy Thirty-two dollars and thanked him.
The next morning my uncle was counting each of the Aravos for the people in his family when he realized that he had nine bundles, the boy had given him an extra one by mistake.
"I'm going to bring it to Shul with me, you never know maybe someone forgot to buy."
My Uncle made his way to Shul, within minutes of entering Shul, a young man came running over to him,
"Hi, I'm so happy to see you! I just wanted tor return this Sefer to you, before I forget, I have to run now, have a great Yom Tov! I have a plane to catch and I totally forgot to buy Aravos. I'm going to see if I can still buy somewhere."
"Actually you can buy from me right here. I have an extra one, here you go. It's four dollars"
The man thanked my Uncle over and over again.
When my uncle got home he called the young boy to tell him that he by mistake gave him nine bundles, but my uncle had sold it and he had four dollars for the boy!
The boy was so happy!
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