The other day as I was walking, I was thinking that exactly! I needed to get my favorite skirt cleaned (I wear it every day and was wearing it at that present moment.) I passed by a dry cleaners store and asked them if they were open and if I can bring in my skirt. (they were about to close)
One problem - I was wearing the skirt.
HP- I realized I had an extra skirt on me. I slept out the night before and had my overnight bag with me.
"Excuse me," I asked the sales lady. "I want to have my skirt cleaned. How much is it?
"Which skirt?"
"This one," I said pointing to the skirt I was wearing.
"We are having a sale today- half off!"
"Great! Do you mind if I just go to the back of your store so I can change?"
I got a whole tour of behind the scenes of the local cleaners. I was able to give them my skirt right before they closed and I only had to pay half the price-HP! (and my skirt was ready the very next day!)