"Ta, I'm taking the van, bye have a good day" I said with a half yawn.
"Actually," my father said "Please take the car and not the van first of all, Ima might need the van and second of all it cost more gas when you take the van."
I was so tired and annoyed and the last thing I wanted to do was drive the old jaloppy car, which has no air conditioner, and feels like your driving a hunk of tin on 3/4 wheels.
"Who cares about gas prices, I dont want to take the car" I said.
I went to go pack up my bag, while complaining about the old car, and plus I was embarrased to drive the teacher in our rickety car.
My father seeing how tired and upset I was came over to me right before I was about to leave and told me I can take the van.
At first I was really happy and grateful, but on second thought I realized it was not the right thing to do, its my parents who are putting out all the money for the gas. Now I had the problem that I didnt know which car to take.
I ended up not taking the van and taking the car, and although I was a bit embarrased, I knew I was doing the right thing.
I picked up the teacher, the ride was a bit shaky and bumpy but we got to school safely. As soon as I got to school my supervisor came right over to me.
"Oh its Hasgacha Pratis that I met you here, I was about to leave. Remember that survey you had to fill out a few months ago? Well whoever filled it out in time was put into a raffle, and I wanted to tell you that your name was picked from everyone!"
"Oh thanks, what did I win?"
A 50$ Gas card!"

wow thats pretty interesting!
Devorah, this is really a beatiful blog. Sharing all this HP will certainly bring Moshiach closer.
OK. I don't get it. This is like G-d's warped sense of humor. Because you *saved* gas, G-d HPs you more gas? If you took the *van*, than it would make sense that you would need G-d to do you a favor and give you more gas.
I was wondering why there were all these references to Hewlitt Packard?!?!?
Luckily with some Hasgochas Protius I figured out to what you were actually referring.
Your whole family seems to walk hand-in-hand with our Lord.
Looking forward to this Shabbos!
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