This past Erev Shabbos, by the Toronto Bnos
Convention I had two Hashgacha Praits stories happen at once. It started on the bus on the way home from our trip. Deenie, one of the girls on the bus, asked me if I could fix her coat. Her zipper was broken. After pulling and yanking and breaking her coat even more, I told her I wasn't able to fix it. Later that day, I was running late. (as always) It was 4:20 and Licht Bentching was 4:25. I was at my hostesses home and I was driving all the girls that were staying with me to the Shul. Everyone jumped into the car and I drove threw every stop sign until we got to the Shul at 4:24. After parking the car I ran into the Shul. As I was running the back of my heal broke. Now I needed a safety pin. When I got into the Shul I asked a lady that was standing by the door where I could put my keys and drivers licens
e over Shabbos. There was a man that was standing there and he said that I could put it in to his locker. I was about to put it in his locker, but then I decided not to. How would I be able to find him after Shabbos to get it out. I told him I would just put it in to a kitchen cabinet. I opened up the cabinet door and took out a huge box so I could hide my keys. Right behind the box was a tea light. I had forgotten to bring one from home, now I had a tea light to Bentch Licht. (HP) Wait there's more HP! After bentching licht I went upstairs to the Shul (with a broken shoe). I was asking everyone if they had a safety pin. I was about to start Kabbalas Shabbos when a bunch of girls came upstairs
. "Good Shabbos" I said to them. Deenie who was part of the group came over to me to tell me that her hostess was a sewing teacher and she fixed her coat. (HP!) " How did she fix it?" I asked her. "She safety pinned it!" When she said "safety pin" I quickly asked her if she had extra. She did! :)
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