It was Erev Shabbos after Pesach and Liba's house was very empty. On Pesach, Liba's house was hopping with noise. With all her married siblings and nieces and nephews, there was constantly something happening. So now that all her siblings had left, Liba was feeling lonely that it was only her and her parents for Shabbos.
As she was setting the table for just three (and not twenty five) she remembered that it was Shabbos Mevorchim. Every Shabbos Mevorchim the Shul at the corner of her block had a special Kabbalas Shabbos with singing and dancing.
Feeling rather down, she told her mother she wanted to go. Mrs. Friedman told her daughter that it was a great idea and she should definitely go. (Liba NEVER goes to Shul on Friday nights)
When Liba got to Shul she davened Kabbalas Shabbos and enjoyed the singing and dancing. In middle of davening, Liba suddenly realized that before Shabbos her friend had mentioned to her that a Pirkei Avos Shiur for high school girls was starting that week. Her friend didn't know where it was, what time it was at, and who was speaking, but she told Liba to call a girl by the name of Nechama Stien, who was in charge of the Shiur.
Liba had completely forgotten to call Nechama Stien, so she had no information of when or where the Shiur was.
After davening finished Liba started walking home. Instead of walking down her own block, Liba decided to walk down the block that was one block over from her house. Within a few minutes of walking home she suddenly saw Nechama Stein walking with her family. Liba couldn't believe it, she bounced over to Nechama Stien.
"This is HP!"
Nechama gave Liba all the information that she needed.
The next day Liba was at her neighbors house when she looked at her watch and saw that it was time to go to the Shiur. Leaving her neighbors house she saw her friend right across the street.
"I just went to your house and no one answered. I didn't know what to do, because I don't where the Shiur is and I was hoping you would know" (Liba's friend lives in a different neighborhood and had walked over an hour to come to the Shiur)
"I was just thinking of what to do, when you suddenly walked out of your neighbors house." her friend said.
1 comment:
I think it is amazing how much Hashem is in everything from the biggest to the smallest things and we do not even realize it. Good thing, BARUCH HASHEM that she saw Nechama Stein or she would have missed out on an amazing shiur!! Good's all HP!
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