Today I had one of those days. I woke up late, had to rush to work, I did an activity with my class that completely flopped. My computer log-in would not work. Everything seemed to be going wrong. It was just one of those days. On these days its harder to see ITS ALL HP! But never the less IT IS ALL HP! You have to keep reminding yourself over and over, IT'S ALL HP!
Around nine o' clock at night I get a phone call from Rivky, an 11th grader asking how my day was.
"Hi, How are you?"My day was Baruch Hashem just great, couldn't be better, FANTASTIC.....How was yours?" I asked.
"Oh, my day was ok, whatever, well I dunno." Rivky said.
I realized she didn't care how my day was, she was having a hard day.
"Uh, sounds like you had a great day too. How about finish studying and doing your homework and then lets go out." I told her.
"Really? Thanks, I need something exciting."
When she was ready, we went to Meijers. When all else fails....Go to Meijers. It's a twenty four -hour supermarket (its like Walmart) Her older sister was with us too.
While her sister was shopping for a suitcase, Rivky and I found ourselves by a cage of basketballs and footballs. I picked a football up and tossed it to her. She tossed it back and we started a game of catch.
After our "football" game we put the ball back and Rivky pointed out that the football was on sale. We decided to buy it when we realized the basketballs were on sale not the footballs. We tried finding how much the footballs were but we couldn't find a price anywhere. I asked one of the workers standing near by how much footballs usually cost. (I never bought one)
"Around twenty dollars" he answered.
We continued playing and decided to bring it up to the cashier and see if they were really on sale.
"Excuse me," I asked the cashier. Is this football on sale? It was in the same cage as the basketballs and a bunch of other footballs."
"Hold on let me find out for you."
"Sports to register 21.Sports to register 21"
While we waited for someone to come I said to the cashier:
"Catch" and I threw her the football.
We played catch and she even taught me how to throw a football. We were talking, when she said "Hold on one minute."
She turned around and I saw her whisper something to a store manager that was standing behind her. She came back and took the football and rang it up.
"How much is it?" I asked.
She smiled and said, "Two dollars and eleven cents!"
not as good as ur sweatshirt story....but its a good 1! oh and dont worry ---i think when i finally get you to change it(uh what are you doing next mon night/tues? lol) its gonna have to make it your HP blog!!!
amazing! thats a gr8 story! just shows, its all about attitude
hey, im going shopping with you!
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