Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hashems Protection

I would like to publicly thank Hashem for the Nes that happened to me this past week.

I was on my way to my brothers apartment to pick my nephew up to go out with him. Walking on the sidewalk I heard a car behind me. The car was getting louder, I turned around to see the car coming straight towards me. The first thought that flew through my head was "I'm about to be hit by a car and I have no where to run." After that all my thoughts were a blur. The car hit into my back and sent me flying. I found myself lying on the concrete sidewalk. My stuff I was holding were all over and I was a mess. I tried to scream but nothing would come out. I tried to scream my sister-in-laws name but I couldn't. I was shaken. Neighbors who heard the crash stuck their heads out the window to check out what happened. Slowly I stood up. Nothing was broken. I couldn't believe the Nes that just happened to me. I was able to stand up. I was able to move. The lady driving the car lost control of the car. She couldn't stop and drove up the sidewalk right where I was walking.  Hashem had saved me. It was a pure miracle. Listening to my cousin who is a nurse I went to Terem the emergency room in Israel. They examined me up and down. Besides some scratches and bruises I was fine!

Thank you Hashem for protecting and watching over me.


(This is a pictures of the car after I was hit)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One other HP i forgot to add. When I was making my ticket, my mother told me to get travel insurance as well. (i never buy it when I travel) for some reason when she told me to I did. Travel insurance covers health insurance for you while you are traveling. HP I got it. I was covered by my travels insurance when I had to go to TEREM!