Sunday, November 21, 2010

Brownie Points

Erev Shabbos my mother was in Trader Joe’s. While she was doing her shopping she remembered that this Shabbos was a family friends Bar Mitzvah. My mother knew that this family is wheat free. She decided to make gluten free brownies. My mother was about to put the brownie mix into the cart when she noticed the Hasgacha was changed to another one she didn’t recognize, so my mother put it back on the shelf. When my mother came home she asked me if I could run out to Whole Foods to buy a different brownie mix. By the time I got to the store and back it was less than an hour to Shabbos. We never ended up sending the brownies over. It was Hashgacha Pratis we never sent it over. On Shabbos we found out that the bar mitzvah was not this Shabbos but next week! (boy, that would be embarrassing)

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