I had to stay late one day after work to proctor tests and supervise girls who had to serve detention. The girls who had detention had to do some sort of school service. Sometimes its cleaning out a room in the school building,helping the preschool teacher cut out projects, decorating the school hallway, (cleaning the bathrooms......just kidding) Today some of the girls cleaned out the lunchroom and some staked extra chairs that were in the auditorium. They came to me twenty minutes later, asking for another job. There was still an hour left and there was not much else for the girls to do. (the bathroom I'm sure needed a good cleaning.....but I wasn't going to make them do that ...even for skipping class:) ) They didn't like my idea of shining my shoes,- they just laughed.
All of a sudden I had a brilliant idea.
"K girls, your next assignment is you have to each write a Hashgacha Pratis story that happened to you!
Each girl wrote at least two HP stories for me! (this was worth it :) )
(After they wrote the stories there was still a half hour left. This time I really had no idea what they should do, so they taught me a new game that was lots of fun. HP- I'm gonna play it the next time I have to entertain a class) HP- Two girls had to stay an extra hour and they missed their ride home. I drove to school today and had a car so I was able to give them a ride home!
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