It's midterm season in most high schools now. (When I was in high school I happened to love final time. -You study for an hour or two and then you have the rest of the day off. It's almost like an extended vacation.) I don't understand why all these high school girls are getting so stressed. Yesterday I was proctoring some girls who were taking their Chumash test. One antsy girl suddenly jumped up, out of her desk,
"I have a HP story for you!" she shrieked.
"Yesterday, on Sunday I needed to get my Chumash notes from school. My father drove me all the way to school. But when we got there, the door was locked. My father's key to the school building didn't work and I tried every possible door. I even tried some windows. My father said there was nothing we could do, and we started leaving. I was praying that someone would appear. No one did. We left the school parking lot. Turning my head one last time, I suddenly saw our janitor Fred by one of the school doors. My father quickly drove back into the parking lot and drove to the front door, I jumped out and banged on the door, yelling Fred's name. I nearly gave Fred a heart attack but he opened the door for me. Fred had all the keys and he was able to open the door to the high school and my classroom door. Thanks to Fred I was able to study for my final and take the test today!"
I loved midterms too! Great story! I like it how instead of taking their test they're saying Hashgacha Pratis stories! :)
hey guys...that was me!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was mamash a miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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