It was the night after visiting day in camp and I had to clean the cotton candy machine. (one of my favorite jobs) After closing the canteen at Twelve Am, I decided I had pushed it off long enough and it was time to clean the machine.
At 1:30 I finally got to it. As I was finishing cleaning the cotton candy machine I suddenly had an urge to clean the whole canteen from top to bottom. It's very rare that I get these moods. It does happen- once in a while.
For the next two hours, I organized all the shelves, wiped down and cleaned all the machines. The toaster ovens, the microwave, the slush machine and even the freezer doors. I changed the table cloths, and swept and mopped the floor.
Locking the canteen door, I realized I had never seen the canteen this clean. Feeling good that it was so clean I went to sleep.
The very next day, first thing in the morning, the camp director walkies me, to tell me there was a surprise visitor that just came to camp to visit the was the HEALTH INSPECTOR!!!!! They have not been to camp in three years. (and boy was he impressed with the immaculate canteen)
I remember that story, I MISS CAMP!!!!
wow! Hashem really showers us with his kindness each and every day, be it big or small. And as we notice each act of kindness, just remember Who it's coming from. Every loving kindness that The One Above hands down to us is a precious gift. Gifts don't always last forever, so it is so important to notice each and every one and appreciate them. Devorah, you have taught me so much-to look for the positive and good every day. thank you. I love you.
im sorry you got woken up from the walkie least i didn't have your golf cart lol... at least i prob didn't since it was a monday morning...but it would not have mattered since you always park it by canteen overnight anyway
I remember that!! was so cool....serious HP :)
missing camp...
to GN- you are so right. Hashem does shower us with kindness, and yes it is a gift. I learn so much from YOU! Keep on looking out for the HP, and spreading it.
p.s. by you finding the positive in having school on sunday showes that you REALLY look for the positve in EVERYTHING!
this is an amazing story!
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