Monday, September 12, 2011

Just a Pen

A group of lifeguards went to spend their off day in Monticello . They made up with the camp driver, they would meet at Simply Sushi at Six Thirty PM.

Six Thirty, the camp van came and the girls piled in. As the van was pulling out of the parking lot, Shoshana, one of the life guards, suddenly said.

"Wait, I forgot to give back the pen I borrowed from the cashier."

"Oh Shoshana, its just a pen, he probably doesn't even care, lets just go. We have to get back to camp," her friend Chana said.

"No Chana, I need to return it. I'm going back in."

Shoshana jumped off the van and ran in to return the pen to the cashier.

"Thank you for returning the pen," the cashier said. "I'm glad you came back, someone from your group left their credit card here- do you know who's it is?"

Looking down at the credit card Shoshana saw it was HER credit card.


missing camp! (still) said...


RAB said...
