"Come sweety, open wide. It's going to be a quick tickle on the back of your throat."
As Eva peered into Benny's mouth she noticed his mouth was covered in blue.
"Looks like you just ate something yummy that was blue."
Benny licked his lips. "I just had a Popsicle," he smiled.
Eva swabbed a q-tip on the back of Benny's throat and placed it in the liquid on the stand.
Minna, Benny's older sister was having a throat culture done as well. Eva quickly did Minna's and put it down next to Benny's culture.
She was about to label it when a patient came from the waiting room to ask Eva a question. She turned around to answer. The patient thanked her and left.
When Eva turned back to the culture stand she let out a gasp.
"Oh no! Now I don't know which one is Benny's culture and which is Minna's. Oh my, now I'm going to have do their cultures again. Before she threw the cultures out she lifted them to examine. She smiled when she saw the blue colored q-tip.
"This one is definitely Benny's culture! Usually I hate when kids eat before they have a culture done. Boy, am I happy he had that blue Popsicle!