A husband and wife are coming home from a HUGE shopping trip at the SUPER Grocery Store. They are laden down with LARGE grocery bags- at least ten in each hand, huge knapsacks stuffed with groceries on their backs, and behind them they are dragging an overflowing broken "Bubby" cart. - you know those, a cloth on some thin wires with two plastic wheels. Well, as they are slowly making their way to the bus stop, they see their bus approaching. The couple starts running, the wife looses her shoe in the street, the broken Bubby cart tips over, apples and cans start rolling, cars are honking, people are running- It's quite a scene. Finally they get to the bus stop and with pulling, lifting and pushing they get on the bus. Whoops, they realized they were on the wrong bus. It was too late - the bus pulled out already. At the next bust stop they got off with all their bags, knapsacks and broken Bubby cart. After waiting and waiting their bus came. Once again they gathered all their things and got back on the bus.
"Wait! Stop the bus, we forgot a grocery bag at the bus stop," the wife yelled.
They schlepped from the bus to a train to another bus. On the fifth (or maybe it was sixth) bus, the couple sat down, arranged all their packages near them and let out a deep breath. Not even a second later a man tapped the husband on the shoulder and pointed to the corner of the broken Bubby cart. The husband and wife looked down and to their surprise they saw a river of something leaking out of the cart. The whole bus was starting to smell like Mango Crystal drink. They started unloading the whole Bubby cart all over the bus trying to get the broken bottle. It was a mess.Frozen chicken was under one seat. Fruits, vegetables, chocolate, the bus floor was covered. The wife started offering mango drink to the riders on the bus. But how were they going to clean up the mess of mango drink? The husband dug through the packages and pulled out a role of paper towel from the bottom.
"HP! WE BOUGHT PAPER TOWELS AT THE STORE!" he announced to the whole bus.
(Everyone started scrubbing)
P.S. No need to imagine this- its a true story!
1 comment:
HP! next time take a golf cart (even thought you just lost your hide and seek partner to a chasson)
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