Everything Hashem does is for the best! If the swaying of a blade of grass is brought about by Hashgacha Pratis and is crucial to the fulfillment of the purpose of Creation, how much more so with regard to mankind in general, and B'nei Yisroel(the people close to him) in particular! (Hayom Yom)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Winter gloves
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Yesterday the eleventh grade English teacher asked me to make copies of a big fat booklet for the entire eleventh grade. I was only able to make two copies, until the machine started beeping.-The machine was low on toner. I wasn't able to replace the toner right then so I put the originals on the side until I had a chance to fix it. Twenty minutes later an eleventh grader came to the office. Assuming she was here to pick up the copies, I quickly said that I wasn't able to make the copies yet because the toner ran out, and as soon as I have a chance I would finish them for her.
“It’s Hashgacha Pratis” she said “I just came to tell you not to copy them we don’t need them copied, it’s a good thing you didn’t waste all that paper”
Monday, December 20, 2010
Shidduch made by a cleaning lady
Submitted by a Ninth Grader
Windshield Wiper Miracle

When our Chanukah Chagiga meeting was over we stepped outside and beautiful snow met our eyes. We all got into the car, but as we were trying to clear the back window, the windshield wiper didn’t work. I got out of the car to wipe and fix the wiper. After I fixed it we set out on our way to drop everyone off. As we were driving down the road, a massive blue light flashed and filled the whole sky. We thought it was lightening; until it happened a second time. A telephone pole sparked and fell several hundred feet in front of us. If we hadn’t taken those few seconds to wipe the back window, we Chas V’shalom could’ve been a lot closer to danger.
-Chanukah Chagiga committee
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A Chanukah Miracle
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
A Game Of Pool Changed Her Life
I just heard this story this week! When Dina Lowenstien was in seventh grade she was having trouble in school. She started hanging out with the wrong crowds, and getting involved in all sorts of trouble . She was was very unhappy with her school. Things became worse and one day she asked her parents if she could switch to public school, where her new friends were. Her parents saw that Dina needed help and decided to send her to a school out of town. After talking it over with Dina, she agreed to try it out for a year. As soon as Dina got to the school she liked it right away. She felt it was more "open minded", and accepting. Since Dina was from out of town she was boarding by a family. As the weeks went by things started to look better for Dina. She started making new friends and showing up to more classes. Everything was going well besides for the family she was boarding by. They didn't like that she was coming home late and that she didn't always set for herself boundaries. She again started hanging out with the wrong people and hanging out in the wrong places. Dina saw that living away from home was not the answer and told her parents she was coming home and going to public school. Her parents weren't happy with this decision. In the end, Dina ended up in public school. As the years went by Dina's Yiddishkeit was wavering, and she felt didn't" fit in." When she was in eleventh grade Dina and her friends saw hanging in the hall an invitation to a Saturday night party at some Rabbi's house. Always looking for a reason to party Dina and her Jewish friends decided to go. It was called Lounge and Learn. It was a "party" for a bunch of boys and girls like her in a Rabbi's house. The Rabbi's wife made delicious food and the Rabbi, Rabbi Summers schmoozed with them. They all had a really good time and really liked Rabbi Summers. This was the first of many times that Dina and her friends went to Rabbi Summer's home. As the year went by Dina and her friends had many get -togethers and programs with Rabbi Summers. Dina was happy with this connection to her Jewish identity. Rabbis Summers would talk with them, invite them for Shabbos, plan "kosher" parties, and just be there for them. When Dina was in twelfth grade she was on a Shabbaton with a bunch of her friends and teenagers from all around. Dina had a great time with her friends and spending Shabbos with Rabbi Summers, his family and a bunch of other Rabbi's and their families. The Shabbaton was packed with speeches, entertainment, Ask the Rabbi sessions, stories, and good food. Motzoei Shabbos, after the Meleva Malka a bunch of kids were hanging out in the rec room. Rabbi Summers was in the room talking with some of them. While Rabbi Summers was talking he spotted Dina on the other side of the room with her friends. Dina had become close with Rabbi Summers family. Rabbi Summers made his way over to her to check up on her and her friends. While he was talking to her Rabbi Summers asked Dina what she was planning on doing next year. She answered that she was applying to college's in a few different cities. Her dream was to be a lawyer. "Did you ever think about applying to Seminaries in Israel?" Rabbi Summers asked?
"No, I haven't and I'm not interested in going to seminary or Israel. I want to start college." Dina answered.
"Why don't you just apply? It doesn't hurt. I know some seminaries that you might like." Rabbi Summers said
"NO! I'm not even applying!" she shouted
Suddenly Rabbi Summers had an idea, he told Dina, "How about this, lets play a game of pool if I win, you apply. If you win, then you don't apply."
Dina agreed.
They played an intense game of pool with everyone cheering them on. The game was getting very close, everyone around held their breath. It was Rabbi Summer's turn. He hit the ball and won the game. Everyone cheered. Upon agreement Dina applied to the seminary that Rabbi Summers chose for her. A month later, Dina got in the mail an acceptance letter to the seminary she applied to. After talking it over with her family and Rabbi Summers she saw that this was all from Hashem. Dina went to to the seminary and had an unbelievable year. She learned and grew a tremendous amount and became close with a lot of her teachers in seminary. She found her own path in Yiddishkiet and a love for Eretz Yisroel. She loved it so much that she stayed there this year for a second year. She thanks a game of pool for who she is today! (I heard this story from Dina's mother)
You never know why your stuck in traffic.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
HP in Toronto
Eye saw Hashgacha Pratis
This past Shabbos I chaperoned a group of girls to the Bnos convention in Toronto. They called me a few hours before they were leaving and asked me to drive the girls. Everyone had an amazing time and a lot of fun . Thursday night after supper, welcome song, and speeches we all went to our hostesses homes. As I was getting ready for bed my left eye started stinging and tearing. The next day by the trip I tried to ignore it but it just got worse. Later, when I was getting ready for Shabbos I noticed my eye was all red. I didn't let it bother me and continued enjoying the convention. By the Friday night meal I was talking to a bunch of girls, when one girl asked me if I was ok, because its looked like I was crying.( I told her that the topic we were talking about was very emotional.) She saw that I was joking and asked me again what was wrong with my eye. I told her I honestly don't know and we went back to our conversation. The next day by Shabbos lunch I was talking to a friend I had just met. As we were talking a lady was passing by our table and stopped when she noticed my eye. "Good Shabbos", I smiled at her. Staring at me she asked "Are you ok? What happened to your eye? I think we should call Hatzolah. " When she said that I burst out laughing. "I really don't think we need to call Hatzolah, my eye is really fine, it looks scarier then it actually is." Before I even finished, The lady went to get the head of the convention. At this point I was really mortified. I was really ok. My eye was just swollen and red. The head of the convention looked at my eye and said. " I know the perfect person who could help you with this, she knows everything about these things, she's a PA, her name is Shelly Broner, she could help you. Do you want me to tell you where she lives." I didn't need her to tell me where she lived. HP! - The Broner's were the family I was staying by. When I got back to their house, Mrs. Broner took one look at my eye and said I had Conjunctivitis! (pink eye) Mrs. Broner gave me a name of drops that I should get and it will heal within seven days! Baruch Hashem it's already getting better! (I really appreciated the lady asking me what was wrong with my eye, even though she offered to call Hatzolah! :) )
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saved by the Mail

On my mother's way out to work she saw on the dining room table a stack of letter's ready to be mailed. She asked my father if they needed to be mailed, and if he wanted her to mail them. My father answered that he was planning on mailing them later that day. My mother said that she'll just mail them, (even though its out her way). In order to pass the post office she went a different route she usually takes to work. A few minutes after she got to work she found out about the huge fire that happened right by the usual route she always takes. Mailing the letters saved her from being stuck in traffic and being close to the huge fire.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Nes Chanukah
Happy Chanukah!!!!
Enjoy your latkes!
Life's Lessons
During the summer I was visiting my brother and sister-in-law. I was looking at their pictures from their vacation in California. One of the pictures was the two of them riding a double seater bike. Commenting, I told my sister-in-law, how it was probably tons of fun.
"It was tons of fun." She said "Actually, I wasn't really doing anything. I only realized after that the seat I was sitting in, didn't do anything. I only helped pedal. If I realized the whole time it would have been more relaxing. I was busy turning the wheel, this way and that, thinking I was doing something. Only Yosef was the one controlling it."
Smiling I looked at my sister-in-law and told her. "That's just like life. We think that we are in control, but really its only Hashem who's in control. If we realize now, it's all in Hashem's hands, then we would be able to "relax" and be stress free. Yes, we have to do our Hishtadlus and pedal through life, but its only the pedaling that helps. Leave everything else up to Hashem. Because He is the only one in control"
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Story of The Leaf
There was an old man walking down the road when he saw a leaf on the ground. Stopping in front of the leaf he asked him,
"Excuse me, Little Leaf, why do you lay there on the ground like that, you don't belong there, you belong on the tree."
The Little Leaf answered,
"Don't ask me, ask the tree, I just follow what he tells me to do."
So the old man asked the tree,
"Mr. Tree, why is the little leaf on the ground, he doesn't belong there."
Mr. Tree answered,
"Don't ask me ask the wind, I just stand here, he's the one that blew the Little Leaf down."
So the the old man went to the wind and said,
"Hey you Mr. Big and Mighty Wind, why is that leaf on the ground, why did you blow him down."
"Don't ask me, ask G-d, I just follow His orders, He says 'blow', I blow."
So the old man went to G-d and said
"G-d why is the Little Leaf on the ground?"
"Son," G-d said "Pick up the leaf and tell me what you see."
The old man bent down and picked up the leaf and saw, lying underneath was a worm.
"Now I understand," said the old man smiling.
"Little leaf, you are there to keep the worm warm, that's why you had to fall."
A small little leaf has a purpose, a reason, a mission, how much more so us, who are much more then a little leaf"
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Brownie Points
Erev Shabbos my mother was in Trader Joe’s. While she was doing her shopping she remembered that this Shabbos was a family friends Bar Mitzvah. My mother knew that this family is wheat free. She decided to make gluten free brownies. My mother was about to put the brownie mix into the cart when she noticed the Hasgacha was changed to another one she didn’t recognize, so my mother put it back on the shelf. When my mother came home she asked me if I could run out to Whole Foods to buy a different brownie mix. By the time I got to the store and back it was less than an hour to Shabbos. We never ended up sending the brownies over. It was Hashgacha Pratis we never sent it over. On Shabbos we found out that the bar mitzvah was not this Shabbos but next week! (boy, that would be embarrassing)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Saved by Domino's Pizza
One Friday night, a member of my family by mistake hit the radio that’s right above our kitchen counter. The radio was blaring really loud and we needed it to be shut off. My father went outside to see if he could find a Shabbos Goy. He came back in a little bit later and said he couldn’t find anyone. My father was standing right outside our house when he saw a man from Domino’s Pizza walking up the path to our house. He said he was here to deliver the pizza we had ordered. My father was confused since we had hot chicken soup and delicious Shabbos food, we definitely did not order Domino’s Pizza. The delivery man told us the address he was looking for. It was the same address as our’s but a different street. It sure was Hasgacha Pratis he delivered the pizza to the wrong house, he was able to be our Shabbos goy and turn off the blaring loud radio.
-Post Seminary
HP @ Kever Rachel
A few days before Yom Kippur my friend and I went to Kever Rachel to daven. We took the 1:00 bus because we had to be back by 5:00. We were given a half hour to be by the Kever to daven. After a half hour we headed to the entrance to catch the bus. When we got there we realized we missed the bus. The Chayal told us the next bus was not coming for another two hours. We were waiting for around five minutes when an Israeli woman came walking towards the Chayal holding her baby in a car seat. She asked him if she can watch her baby while she went in to daven. Her baby was a Kohen and was not able to go in to the building. Seeing the Chayal hesitating my friend and I told her we would babysit her baby while she went to daven. We were anyways waiting so it gave us something to do while we waited. When the Israeli lady came out a little bit later she thanked us and told us she was driving back to Yerushalyim and offered us a ride!
HP In Marshall, Indiana
We were on the bus pulling up to a Nageela Shabbaton, in Marshall, Indiana. As the bus driver was parking, he hit some branches causing a window to shatter. The window that broke was by a seat that nobody was seating in. People were sitting in front of it, and in back. Had someone been sitting there, she could have been badly hurt. HOW AMAZING!:)
Ashira Glassengerg
Our camp had a Shabbaton on our camp grounds in Marshall Indiana. I live in New York and I thought I was going to have to take a taxi at three in the morning to catch a Six AM flight. Weeks before I was thinking how it was going to work out. It was an hour drive and expensive for just two people. Its also a bit scary in the middle of the night. It turned out a Rabbi flew in and had a flight ten minutes before mine. He had rented a car and we were able to get a ride with him to the airport.
Devorah Rubinstien