Tali woke up Wednesday morning feeling a shooting pain in her eye. Her vision was blurry and she could barely keep her eye open. There was a major snowstorm across the country and most places had closed down. In middle of davening Shacharis she realized this was serious and she had to get to an eye doctor as soon as possible. After she finished davening she carefully drove in the snow to the closest doctors office. When she got there she saw that she was the only patient there.
"Excuse me", she said to the secretary, "my eye is in a lot of pain. I know Dr. Kaplan isn't in but I am wondering if there is any other doctor that could check out my eye for me."
"Actually," the secretary said, "Dr. Kaplan is here, but he's running out now. I don't think he can see you, let me go ask him."
A few minutes later she came back and told Tali that Dr. Kaplan would be able to see her.
Dr. Kaplan usually is not there at that time. After Dr. Kaplan looked at Tali's eye, he said to her,
"It's a good thing you came in, your eye doesn't look too good. I am going to give you some drops and a gel for your eye. Here's the prescription, go as soon as you can to the pharmacy."
When Tali got to the Pharmacy the pharmacist told her "We don't have the gel here so we will have to order it, you can pick it up tomorrow."
"Do you have a Pharmacy discount card?" she asked Tali. "These prescriptions are really expensive. Over a hundred dollars for both of them."
"No, I don't think so" Tali said.
Tali bought the medicine and said that she would come back the next day for the gel. When Tali got home she was about to take the medicine when she remembered that she had a card which has a tefilah on it, that you say before going to the doctor or taking medicine. Tali never said it before but she decided to say it. She couldn't remember where she put it, then she remembered it was in her old wristlet. As she was going through her old wristlet she saw a Pharmacy Discount card that her friend had given her in the summer. Tali now was able to get the gel for much cheaper.
Go Tali! You are the best!
Refuah Shelema on your eye :)
Refuah Sheleimah - and keep the HP stories coming. They help us remember Who is in control in every step of our lives.
What an inspiration! Keep us inspired with many more HP stories.
Today on my way home from work I had to go to the drug store and refill my prescription. It was almost shkiah and I had not davened mincha yet. I quickly ran into the drug store. They told me that its going to take 20 minutes. I didnt want to go home and come all the way out agian. But I had to daven mincha. I walked out of the store and saw that right next to the store was a shul, I went and davened mincha there (with a minyan) ......i didnt have to daven in the store!!!!!
WOW!!!!!!! Thats really cool! Tali is a really special girl i know her personally, and she's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm not surpried she is zoccheh to such a great nas!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HODU LAHASHEM KI TOV! I just wanted to say that last week I went to the eye doctor for my sixth month check-up and Baruch Hashem Baruch Hashem, my eye is all clear (dont need to go back for another 9 months- YAY!) Hashem is SO good! Hashem is ALL GOOD!
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